Jane working at 19, seems pretty interesting, Jane Borges racking her brains on writing a feature everyday seems gruelling, Miss.Jane Borges interning as a reporter very well seemed like a small dream turned big.
I remember my first day at the head office of DNA newspaper, sitting at the reception waiting to get my appointment letter, well i waited for five hours, not knowing how life would be after i would start work. Passing me were Malvika Sanghvi, Sathya Saran my favourite writers, who I'd only read and not seen. I have always been in awe of them and seeing them gave me an instant high. Finally after a wait that seemed to long but not really boring I got a call and was asked to join the supplement paper DNA westcoast. Well my first project at hand was hmm...VOICES...something i really hated doing...it was a better answer to begging actually, well Me and my intern Kaveri literally begged to get opinions from people on the street, pleading them to allow us to take picture of theirs with our digi cams..when i think of how we got through it....haha...HILARIOUS..one instance i remember was of being kicked out from the mall, the security actually asked us to get out cause we were disturbing their customers by asking them to give opinions....we had to rush out when we saw him make a phone call to the manager, there were a few others i would have loved to site....there were times when we would keep staring at a particular guys or gal...pondering if they were approchable, that was bad....we looked like Female letchers...lolz.
The two months helped me change as from being the person I am today, i suddenly feel more net savvy, but yes my interest in news has dropped down consequently, as i had to spend my day only writing, wishing for nothing better....I know that this is going to be a big part of me .....and i will never give up writing. If someone asked me why i wanted to be a journalist...well i surely dont seem to have an answer to that...I seriously don't...I am still looking actually preparing for a good answer, as it might just help me the next time i went for an interview....phew......what more do i have to say.....well thankyou DNA westcoast for all the pleasantries...for the momentary pleasures i got in sitting with celebrities, talkin to them, from covering events to writing features....to subbing and proofing pages...Thank you for everything....With June 6th...comes an end to my internship....an end to a beautiful learning period, but a start to something great that is awaiting and something which in a way you help me set....
They say that we meet new worlds with different experiences. This is one of the worlds I am going to miss bad.....because this world was beautiful and had a great balance of the greens, oceans, deserts, enough Oxygen to breathe and Carbon dioxide to release. I meant....(i got my space) This was the world of DNA Westcoast....this is all i can think right now...sitting in this cabin...WOW whatta world?
All the people i met were wonderful in their own way, thanks to all, Raghuraman sir, Rajiv, Rita, Jyothi, Chesta, Kaveri, Vaishnavi, Charlene, Sheena, Samarpita, Deepa, Deepti, Shakaar, Chirag, Narayan, Vikas, Ravi, Yogesh, Stallion, Pratibha, Baljit sir, Ram sir, Pooja, Soni, Kabeer .....and the security and peons.....they were all great, each with their own charm, one that could bring a smile and even scare at times....Hope I have not missed any name.....but yes everyone was great
Gonna miss all my colleagues and the some great buddies (eg. Chesta) I met here... I feel like a changed being and yes I am undoubtedly FEELING GOOD....Which world do you miss, have anything good you would like to mention?